How Migraines Evolve With Age

close up of woman having migraine

How Migraines Evolve With Age

Most people who suffer from migraines usually believe that it will ease up as they grow older. While there might be some truth to this, the reality is that; in as much as there are a lot of cases of people who have escaped the shackles of migraines as they age, there have also been people who suddenly develop migraines with age.

It might well come as a surprise to most people that about 15% of the people in the world are affected by migraines. Migraines are believed to be due to a mixture of environmental and genetic factors. And about two-thirds of migraine cases have been found to be hereditary. This is why kids that have parents that suffer from migraines are very likely to develop migraines later on in life. Studies have also shown that; more boys than girls are known to experience migraines before puberty, while more women experience migraines than men. This has made many to believe that migraines could also be caused by changing hormonal level.

migraines age

Migraines at early and middle age

Migraines are known to often occur for the first time in teenage age or early 20s. According to Yulia Orlova, MD, a neurologist and assistant professor at the University of Florida; migraines in teens can be triggered by overuse of caffeine, irregular sleeping patterns, and excess stress. However, it is known to be most common in people between 25 to 55 years old. With some experts noting its peak between 30 – 40 years of age, where it is noted that there is usually a transformation of episodic to chronic migraines. After this age, however, it is believed that migraines start to decline every decade.

Migraines at old age

The symptoms of migraines might range from; unilateral head pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and so on. But it has been noted that most people who suffer from migraines tend to have fewer or no cases of these symptoms once they make it to the age of 50. For most people who have their first cases of migraines late in their life, it is believed that this might be as a result of an underlying disease.

Treatment for migraines

Treatment for migraines ranges from self-care which involves; the avoidance of migraine triggers, stress management, improved sleep habit and so on, to the use of medications like; antipsychotic, analgesic, stimulant and so on. Most times, it’s best to see a doctor or consult a specialist.

A message from Dr. Amy Hartsfield:

At TMJ & Sleep Solutions of Alabama, our mission is to provide personalized care to restore quality of life, one patient at a time. If you are experiencing issues with sleep, don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule an appointment!